Monday, February 1, 2010

Student Teaching day 1

I’m amazed at how nervous I am. You would think I was being forced to start teaching on my first day with the lack of sleep I got last night. I spent the night thinking up things I need to learn about before I can possibly teach and convincing myself there was no way I could ever do this. I was in this class room for three weeks in October for my fields so I should have the advantage over most student teachers. I’d hate to see what I would have been like if I was in a completely new classroom.
I stood at the door on the first day and greeted the students. Only about half said hi. It was so cute. I’m pretty sure the standing rule of 8th grade (middle school in general?) is to deny emotions, affections, or connections to teachers who have not established themselves on the list of acceptably cool teachers. You don’t want someone seeing you being nice to someone who hasn’t been approved. At least that’s how it was when I was there age.
The school has adopted readers workshop as their language arts format and the classes are in block form so we get 88min with the kids. I like this because it establishes a routine but there is a temptation to fall into a mindless routine where the kids do the same things everyday and detach. I have seen routine take the place of instruction in some schools, as if, because the kids do the same thing without complaint every day, they must be learning and engaged.
My MT had to recommend kids for honors English and a foreign language based on grades and effort in the class. I was a little disappointed that the kids had no input on the decision. I would have liked to have known where they saw themselves.

Also, Rob is still jobless and I have the increasingly overwhelming fear that I will not be able to get a job after this. Because it is becoming more and more important to the survival of this little family that I do get a job.

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