Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have a nemesis. It may seem odd, I know. But its important to keep oneself busy while not in school and having a nemesis is a great way to occupy your mind during the dull times. And, lets be honest here, having a nemesis is fun. She works at the Tim Hortons a block from my house. She always tries to charge me more than she should and she rolls her eyes at me whenever I order. I have no idea what I did to annoy her. She was like this the first time we met and it's only gotten worse. Well guess what missy, you're on my radar now. You are my nemesis. Let the games begin.


Well, I am officially another quarter closer to being a teacher. I just have to tell myself this or I will certainly want to run screaming from the fact that I have two years ahead of me. I told Rob yesterday that I suspect his job situation is because of me. If he were making more money I would be so less motivated to become a teacher and I'm fairly certain this is the path I'm supposed to be on for now.
It's just tough sometimes when I still have the urge to do ten million different things. This last quarter was sort of amazing. I got to learn how to do field work and ethnographic studies and what-not and a part of me would love to marry field work. My professor asked me if I ever thought about pursuing my PhD and I had to act flattered and say thanks and explain the path I'm on right now (stay at home momma/part-time student who needs to have a viable career manifest in the next few years) while what I wanted to do was hug her and cry and shout "Yes yes yes!"
It's not that I don't want to be a teacher. Summers off, great hours, effecting children's lives, yada yada yada. But I know the flip side of that coin. I watched my mom dedicate her life and all of her energy to her kids for the first ten years of her career. I see how it drains her still after 16 years. I know that to be a good teacher you've got to put your heart into it. I know that the reason they have summer breaks is to give the teachers a chance to get their blood pressure down.
Side thought, what is the first thing you always do (or want to do) when you see a puffer fish in a tank at the pet store?

Monday, March 3, 2008


I'm really tired. So I don't know why I'm wasting time even typing this up. I think I shall go to bed. But I want to shout out to Helen who might read this. To you I say, If you can blog then so can I. So there.