Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3

Feeling more confident today, which is funny because I’m feeling totally wiped out. I’m exhausted and getting sick. I’m starting to really plan for my own teaching and the more I plan, the more I realize what I have to do; grades, regular assignments, what do I need to maintain vs. what do I need to change. There is a large part of me that wants to keep the basic infrastructure of the calss the same. I don’t want to go through the chaos that comes with relearning the basics such as seating, how grading works, etc. Is this how I would do it in my classroom? Well, not really. But the reality is, this is not my classroom, or at least hasn’t been for most of the year.
I learned how to do progress book today which is where all the grades are stored. Just by getting a chance to flip through this and enter some grades I feel better about the whole grading thing. I think I get what I need to do here. I also got to grade some short answer essays today. The kids will be taking the OAA while I’m here so I will be doing a week of test prep with them. This essay is just a part of what they will be doing on the OAA. And it’s ucky boring but I understand it’s necessity. This is how they are judged and I am judged and the district is judged. But I don't like it one bit.

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