Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Student Teaching day 2

Met with the Intervention Specialist (IS) to discuss planning for 6/7 period. I guess its time to introduce them, out of a class of 17 there are 14 on IEPs or 504s. It is supposed to be an inclusion class but because of the ratio it is just a very, very large resource room. Because the number of kids with special needs is so high, they tend to dictate the socially acceptable behavior in the class. Which means sometimes you end the day feeling like you were hit by a bus. A very large, noisy, attitude filled bus. But…and this is my insanity which will most likely fade with the years…this is my favorite class and the class by which I will most likely judge my own success or failure in this school. I like the messy kids a lot. They are far more fun than the kids who just do what you tell them to. Heck, I like messy people in general. And maybe we are all messy, but anyway, I like this class a lot.

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